Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Real courage. That's what we want.

Making New Years Resolutions... not for cowards....

If I only had the nerve......

   I usually am not the greatest with New Years Resolutions, but we are about 10 days into the new year, and I am pretty much doing the best I've done ever with my resolutions. I know this sounds crazy, but I am a sure fire fan of all things self help. Call it a product of my Oprah-ism (the fake religion I believe one soon sounds like they follow after they watch enough Oprah and eventually hang on her every word and do as she does... aka... me) but I believe I am a work in progress and the New Year is that great time to restart, and re-set your mind and body and spirit into making changes in your life.

My Woman, and my personal Good Witch
   My number one resolution is the old stand by: Lose weight. A few years ago, I gained a tremendous amount of weight for many multiple reasons: cold weather, boredom, lack of motivation, etc. I have been yo-yo-ing for about a year now, and am just sick of it. So, I cracked down, and am counting calories and trying to work out more regularly, but it can be a BITCH... and I must say, where I work, it's like being an alcoholic bartender.
   Working in a resort is a non stop food fest. Not only is there always something to celebrate with a big frosty cake (birthdays, company anniversaries, etc) but there are always tons of leftovers that are brought over by banquet staff, the pastry chefs, etc. So, on day 1 of my resolution diet, I was greeted to work by a huge tray of amazing house made biscotti, in about 3 different amazingly decadent flavors. Yeah, it was not easy. But I have to say, now that I am on day 10, it is getting easier and easier, and I finally feel like it is working.
   I am also trying to work on organizing my life, getting rid of things I don't need, and de-cluttering. I think watching shows like "Hoarders" can scare the living crap out of you and the minute you see your "messy closet" get so stuffed you can't quite shut it, you feel as though you need to call A&E and be committed into an insane asylum.
   I know TV rots your brain, but I get so inspired by watching shows like "Hoarders" and "Clean House" that I try to watch them while I am cleaning. I know that sounds crazy, but it motivates me in an almost "Scared Straight" way, like, "Shit, I hope I don't start taking a crap in garbage bags and tossing them in my basement because my plumbing doesn't work".
   Don't worry, my house isn't that dirty, but with two dogs, I am a big fan of scented candles, and my carpet cleaner.
   I think everyone should have a New years resolution, even if its something dumb. My original one was, "drink only 1 diet coke a day" which feels almost impossible, but I am down to about 2, which is pretty good for me.
   Miss Oprah is all about her "All Stars", and to me, having different experts giving you advice, for FREE, is worth its weight in gold. So, I encourage you to check out her website here with all her "All Stars" giving you great advice for the New Year. God speed my friends, and good luck with all of your New Years en devours.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Be Gone, Before Somebody Drops a House On You, Too.

How the Pietrina (is trying not to) Steal Christmas....

Me. Right Now. (Oh, I know, green is soooo my color)
   Call me what you want, a Scrooge, the Grinch, or, appropriate for my blog, The Wicked Witch, I am really just OVER Christmas. Just plain OVER it. And trust me, I am NEVER this way, ever. I normally revel in the fact that I get to celebrate both Christmas AND Hanukkah, buying twice as many presents and celebrating not only 8 crazy nights, but an additional 2 with Christmas Eve and day mixed in, not including numerous other holiday parties and outings and such. But this year, I am just plain old over it.
   I think there are many contributing factors to me boycotting the holidays this year. I think the major one is that when you lose a loved one, especially around the holidays, the holidays are sad, not happy. Even though my Uncle was not a big "Christmas" guy, (he was pretty much agnostic and called Christmas "Festivus", and just went to church on that day just to appease my grandma), I still know he loved it. He spent almost every single Christmas with us since we were born, so this year, I knew it wouldn't be the same. And I know the day will be filled with sadness and us missing him so many million times more on that day than we normally do, and reliving moments of Christmas past, making ourselves sad. Funny moments of when my sister opened up a gift Christmas Eve, a white kitty stuffed animal that purred and played catch, shrieked, and her 6 year old self almost trampled my uncle as she ran round the house screaming "My Kitty!".
   Another contributing factor is that even though I knew we were going to be sad, we would still go through the motions of Christmas Eve mass and going out to dinner, and the next day having pasta at my gramma and papa's house. Well, about a month ago, my grandparents got in a horrific car accident, and my grandmother fractured her pelvis, and bruised a few ribs, and is now recovering in a rehabilitation center. So, my Christmas will be spent sitting Indian style watching Xmas eve mass on a 15 in TV screen eating microwaved food in my grandmothers tiny 100 square foot room in her rehab center. Joy.
   And, the third and what I (hope) think is the last contributing factor to my all out Scroogie-Grinchie-Anti-Holiday-Awfulness is that last year was the most amazing Christmas of my adult life. My mom's side of the family flew in from Chicago and we planned to do every cheesy, sugary sweet hokey amazing Christmas thing the state of Arizona had to offer. Plus, I was with my cousins, who I adore, and my cousins' daughter, my God daughter, Ava. So, having a kid to celebrate the holidays with made it 10000 times more special. Trust me, it had been many a year since Santa got a plate of cookies and milk in the Musumeci house, trust me.
   We went to Zoolights, The Polar Express, a Christmas Nativity Pageant, watched the "Elf", stayed up late, slept all over the house, ate a bajillion Christmas cookies, went hiking, went to the Grand Canyon, and I really felt like a kid again at Christmas, especially seeing the sparkle in my Ava's eyes as she really believed Santa followed her all the way to Arizona from Chicago, just as I believed when I was her age. It was magical. Yet, this year, they are staying in Chicago, celebrating the holidays with their other family members.
   So, I guess looking back on last year, and the Christmas's of years past, I only have heartwarming memories, while this year, I just want to blink my eyes and have it be January 2nd, so I can start fresh, and turn a new leaf. Trust me, its been hard for me to even try to turn a new leaf this year, but I know I can do it.

Hiking Pinnacle Peak Xmas Eve 2009

Ava and I at Little America in Flagstaff

Jen, Ava and I in Flagstaff at Little America, Christmas day

The North Pole, Polar Express

Ava and I singing Xmas carols on the train

My cousin Jeff and my cousin Jen's hubby, Mike, acting like a couple of homos in funny hats we found at a gift shop.

My mom and her sister, my Auntie Toni

All of us at Polar Express, me the only adult in jammies

Ava, my cowardly Lion-ess
       I was being rather Scroogey last night and my mom told me to "knock off my attitude" and I said this to her,"as long as you know me, this will be the only year I will be a Scrooge, so get over it". And I will allow myself this, and only this year, to be a bummed out brat and painfully suffer through the holidays. But I promise next year, I will be my old, Jingle belling, Yuletide caroling, holiday baking, Christmas decorating self all over again. This year, let me turn green and allow my heart to be two sizes too small. I know soon it will grow three sizes too big.  I will keep you all posted on my Festivus celebrations, and how I will try not to steal Christmas.

Me. Right now. (like I said, green IS my color!)
But, I do wish everyone a Happy Holiday. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Friday, December 17, 2010

There's a storm blowing up -- a whopper...

Never a dull moment... My 2010 Year In Review
Dorothy has seen her fair share of twisters...

This year has felt like both the longest and the shortest whirlwind of a year. With many moments of extreme happiness and extreme sadness, I must say, this year has been quite a twister. From beginning my year bright eyed and bushy tailed beginning my journey at Disney World, to engagament ring shopping, to my family's tragic loss, it has been the craziest year of my life. Here's to 2010.... I am definetly looking forward to 2011...

1. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before?

Alot I guess. Fulfilled my bucket list dream of working in Disneyworld, bought my first car on my own, got my "big girl" job....

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions and will you make more for next year?

I didn't really make any. I tried the whole dieting thing, which worked for awhile, but I am the queen of falling on and off the wagon.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?


4. Did anyone close to you die?

Yes, unfortunately. The greatest man I knew, aside from my boyfriend, my Uncle Joe.

5. Did you travel?

I started out the year en route to Florida, so Aaron and I went on a cruise before I went to Disney. We went to Nassau. I also spent 4 1/2 months on Florida. I also took a few trips up to Northern AZ.

6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
Looking back on it, traveled more. Also, maybe more cooking and spending time on crafts.

7. What date from 2010 wil remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Good: Having so many people come visit me in Disney.
Bad: My uncle passing away suddenly

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Getting a job in my field. Buying a car. Making the neccessary steps to getting engaged, planning our future, etc.

9. What was your biggest failure?

I wouldn't say it's a failure, but I would say that this year has made me really re consider a lot of things in my life and made me more aware of how precious time truly is.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

Nothing worth noting.

11. What was the best thing you bought?

A car. Stuff for my house.

12. Whose behavior merited celebration?

My gramma, after suffering an almost fatal car accident this past November, being able to walk 60 steps this past week!

13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

Grammas accident. Death in the family.

14. Where did most of your money go?

Savings, cars, moving.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

Job hunting. Disney.

16. What song(s) will always remind you of 2010?

"Hey Soul Sister"- Train

17. Are you happier or sadder?

Sadder, it has been a rough past 3 months. But I know I am a very naturally happy person, and I know 2011 will be me turning a new leaf.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Traveling, spending time on my hobbies, seeing more of my friends, making more time with people cause you don't know what you got til its gone.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?


20. How will you be spending Christmas?

At my grandmothers rehab facility, while she is recooperating.

21. Did you fall in love in 2010?

I have always loved Aaron, but he has been my rock this year.

22. How many one night stands?

Haha! Oh god... none, obviously. And, who would even answer that question?

23. What was your favorite TV program?
Weeds was amazing this year for sure. My roomie got me really into Alias, I watched the whole series.

24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

Let's just say the older you get, the wiser you get, and the more you realize that friends are more about quality, not quantity.

25. What was the best book you read?

The Help. It was phenomenal.

26. What was your favorite musical discovery?

Florence and The Machine.

27.What did you want and get?

A car. To go to Disney. Picking out an engagement ring. My job.

28. What did you want and not get?

More time with family, friends, and honestly, myself.

29. What was your favorite film of this year?

Inception, and I really enjoyed The Black Swan.

30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

I turned 25. I celebrated with my roomies in Disney, and a surprise visit from my bf. Also, a week later, my 2 best friends surprised me by coming to Disney. It was pretty darm good.

31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

Wow. A loaded question. A lot.

32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?

Well, seeing I went from wearing a big purple fairy godmother outfit to now, I would say uniform-ish. But, I get more and more casual as I get older. I remember my FIDM days of wearing heels everyday. Wow, those days are gone!

33. What kept you sane?

My family and amazing boyfriend. My true friends. Loooong phonecalls home when I was lonely. My dogs.

34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

I am glad Miss Winona Ryder is making a strong comeback. I also really love the entire cast of How I Met Your Mother. They are all so hilarious.

35. What political issue stirred you the most?

Anything having to do with Sarah Palin. I am BEYOND over her.

36. Who did you miss?

My family in Chicago, especially my God daughter, Ava. And of course, my uncle.

37. Who was the best new person you met?

All my Disney Roomies! They were all such great girls! I wish them all the best and hope to see them all soon!

38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.

Don't put off calling someone and telling them you love them, cause it could be your last time you speak to them.

39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
Happiness hit her like a train on a track

Coming towards her stuck still no turning back

She hid around corners and she hid under beds

She killed it with kisses and from it she fled

With every bubble she sank with her drink

And washed it away down the kitchen sink

The dog days are over

The dog days are done

The horses are coming

So you better run

Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father

Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers

Leave all your love and your longing behind

You cant carry it with you if you want to survive

Friday, November 12, 2010

We get up at twelve and start to work at one, take an hour for lunch and then at two were done...

Jolly Good Fun!

If only my life and work schedule were like the lucky citizens of Emerald City. But alas, my life is nothing like that. Even though I do not work in Emerald City, I love my job more than anything and I am so blessed to have a good job, not only in this economy, but actually be BUSY and able to get OVERTIME. Now, that is not something you hear to often this day in age. Yet, I do wish I wasn't exhausted every day with working long hours and coming home and busting out midterm essay and trying to balance school, work, family and friends. I feel like this month I really struggled with that balance, and of course, beat myself up over it. How do other people do it? It astounds me? How do people work like crazy, see their friends, their family, ace their classes and still have time to have time for themselves? I am baffled.

Aside from lots of soul searching after my familys' loss this past month, I had to get out of the house, and attempt to be a bit human. So, even though my October was filled with sadness, there was lots of happy, too. Oktoberfest 2010 with my gal pals was a blast. Anything combining friends, food, and well, alcohol, is a good time to me!

We also took Aarons' nephew to the pumpkin patch! He loved it! It was really cute and a perfect day! It did, however, make me long for a real old fashioned pumpkin patch where the pumpkins actually GREW there and the patch is on an actual farm, but, oh well. It was still really cute and we had so much fun.

My goal is to: have fun this November, balance my time, and HAVE MORE FUN!
Well, Jolly Good Fun, that is!

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Heart is Not Judged By How Much You Love, But How Much You Are Loved By Others

A Good Bye...

I couldn't wait to have a blog post for October, to talk about Oktoberfest, and Halloween, and all the fun things going on in my life, but tragedyy struck me and my family early this October, a little over a month ago, and I guess now feels like the right time to talk about it.

On October 2nd, my mom and I were ready to make a nice dinner when we received a call from my grandmother. She was on the way to the hospital because my uncle had collapsed in his home after running on the treadmill. He was taken by paramedics, and my aunt followed behind (his wife). My grandparents were on their way, and my sister and her boyfriend were on their way from Tempe.

When we got to the hospital, they put us in a little room and we (impatiently) waited for the doctor to come, after the nurse told us he was in "critical" condition.

My uncle Joe had turned 60 years old this past May. He was a diabetic since he was 7 years old. Through out his life, he struggled with his disease, but kept himself in amazing health, his only loss being his right eye, when I was about 6 years old.

Presuming my uncle had just had a bad diabetic reaction, we were hopeful. The doctor came not long after and told us the worst thing anyone can ever tell a human being: that they have lost the person they love.

My uncle and I were very close. Anyone who knows me well knows I looked up to him. We were closer than most nieces and their uncles. We have had a kinship that has been since day one. He was there the day I was born. We talked and emailed on a regular basis. He and his wife had no children, so he sudo-adopted me and my sister. He was like a father to me. He was my favorite man in the whole wide world (aside from my Aaron). I also think I fell in love with Aaron because he reminded me so much of my uncle: his mannerisms, his dry humor, his generosity.

I didn't mean for this to be sad,but a tribute. As I as looking for my next "blog" subject about whats been going on in my life, how do I not speak of the most life changing event in my life?

Below is what I said at his funeral. It amazing how you have to sum up the person you love so much in a few words.

Dear Uncle Joe Baby,
How do I write you a letter to tell you how much I love you? I don't know how in a few words I can say how much one person can mean to me. There aren't enough words in the universe. Yet, I know if you were reading this, you'd be telling me, “Pietrina, don't make a Marx brothers movie out of this, keep it simple”... so I will try my very best...

I guess it all started when I was lucky enough to be born your niece, and even luckier, your God daughter. And as you would call over to me before I could walk, you would say, “Come here baby”, and so I thought your name was “Joe Baby”, and that is who you are.

I truly am the luckiest little God Daughter that ever lived. You never did anything on a “small” scale. I was so showered with the coolest gifts, and of course, you have a knack for finding the funniest, most perfect cards. Sometimes I wondered if you searched for cards year round.

I guess a lot of nieces aren’t normally very close to their uncles. They see them a few times a year, but you, you were more than an uncle, more than a parent, you were more than a mentor, and anyone that knows us knows that we are close as close can be.

You are the only person I know who knows something about everything. I often wondered why you never tried out for Jeopardy.

I guess we sort of have a kin ship. Being the “oldest” kids, we always worry about every body else, making sure they are okay. But you and I, we always worried about each other, too. We looked out for each other.

When I got older, you would take me out on “dates”... we would meet for lunch or dinner, and talk till the coffee ran out and the waitress was annoyed and wanted to go home.

You have the strongest tightest hugs. I could feel your hugs deep down in my bones, they'd stay with me for hours.

The older I get, the more I idolize you. You always have the best advice. You are the most wise and encouraging person I have ever known. You are the glue that holds are whole family together. I don't know how I can keep everything from unsticking.

You have given me so much in my life, more than you will ever know. You want to know a secret? Every time I have a tough decision to make, and you aren't there to call immediately, or email, I think to myself, “WWJD... what would Joe do?”... and I always know just what to do.

You are stolen from me too soon. I don't know why, but you are. I need more strong hugs, more dinner dates, more words of wisdom... but the love we've had in 25 years is more love than most kids see in their whole life, and you have given me more love that will last me my whole lifetime.

I love you so much Joe Baby, and I don't know how I am gonna make it with out you.

I promise to be the best kid I can be, make sure to take care of everybody, keep it simple, and never ever ever ever ever stop loving you every single day, more and more and more. I love you.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dreams That You Dare To Dream Really Do Come True...

New Job, New Year, New phone, New Me!

   So many exciting things have been happening in the past few weeks. As many of you know, I am a Hospitality Major at NAU. I have been actively trying to snag a job in hospitality since I moved back home from Orlando waaaaay back in June. Well, starting next week, I begin my career in Hospitality at the Westin Kierland Resort and Spa! I truly have loved working in retail all these years, but I am ready to put away my rolling racks and bulk bars and steamers and head into the job that I have been working so hard to get. I am also very excited to be working for Starwood. Ever since I have been a hospitality major, Starwood has come up as one of the best companies to work for, with very diverse brands, so I am very excited to be a part of this amazing company.

   It has also been a great Rosh Hashanah!  To my gentile friends, Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. For those of you were are confused, I, myself, am not Jewish, but my boyfriend is. Being together for almost 8 years, I feel like a Jew in training and love celebrating the holidays with him and his family. Also, being Italian and Catholic, our holidays are similar in the fact that you hang out at eat a lot. His nephew is getting so big and here we are making my favorite Rosh Hashanah treat, Rugelach!

I also have leaped into techie nerd status and Aaron and I got iPhones! We still may decide to switch to Verizon, but I am LOVING my new phone! I probably only know how to use like, 10% of its' features, but what I love is the amazing pictures it takes. The apps are pretty cool, too.

   Aaron and I are STILL getting pumped into moving into our home, we just got our fridge delivered this week and are looking into painting. Life has still been busy and with school starting, (which I am LOVING at the SCC campus), we barely have time to catch our breath. I will show pictures of the new home soon! (Hopefully, in the next post).

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jolly Good Fun!

Birthdays, Family, and Monsoon Season.

Kansas may have twisters, but here in Arizona, we have monsoon season. The weather is miserable, from 110 degrees to hot rain, to humidity, it hasn't been pleasant here this summer. So, me and many other Phoenicians stay as far away from the heat as possible. But, when you have family in town, they love sight seeing, and want to go on mini- adventures. So, my suggestion? Take them up north!
My cousin Jeff came into town for a long weekend and we went to Montezumas Castle and Jerome. I had never been to either, and Jerome was a really cool town with lots of fun shops and great scenery. It is sort of a ghost town, have been an old miners town during the Gold Rush. We ate at a restaurant called the Asylum, which used to be a miners' hospital. We shopped for knick knacks, and had a great time. I really want to go here around Halloween, I here Jerom-ians really know how to celebrate Halloween!

Me coloring on our table at the Asylum

Gorgeous view in Jerome

Jeff near a Copper Mine in Jerome

Montezuma's Castle

Mom and I at Montezuma's Castle

Mom, Lisa, and I at Montezuma's Castle

It has also been the month of the birthdays. Aaron turned 24 and my gramma turned 82! (They are both such Leo's). Aaron, of course, would not let me take a picture of him blowing out his candles, but here are his cupcakes!!!

Here are some pics of my Gramma's birthday. It was really fun. Fran made amazing cupcakes and Aaron and I make lobster sauce with pasta and got my gramma this hilarious cake!

Do I not have the cutest Gramma ever?

I cannot believe that summer is almost over and school is starting again. I have lots of fun things on the horizon, like Yom Kippur and moving to our new place. See you soon!